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Saturday, July 27, 2013

DIY Soap Part 3 - Foaming Hand Soap and Dish Soap

So, its been one of those days.  Not a particularly bad day, just one of those days where I do cleaning, picking up, finish off a few craft projects that have been waiting in the wings forever, then I look around and...Somehow the house looks worse than it did before I stared.  Explain that one.  For that reason, I decided to plunk these two in together because they are quite similar and are the two easiest ones of the bunch, so tonight's post will be quick and painless (but at least I remembered!)

Get two large buckets or containers to mix these up in.  For the dish soap, you'll need a mix of 1/2 castile and 1/2 water.  Since I did the mega batch, I used 96oz each.  For the foaming hand soap, you need 24oz liquid castile and 168oz water and you can add essential oils if you'd like.  Feel free to scale that down, lol.  Either of these will work in a foaming hand dispenser, and the foaming hand soap is SO PRETTY!

The dish soap I stored in an old milk jug since we have a dispenser.

...And some of the foaming hand soap with one of my dorky labels!

Hard to tell in the pictures, but it is pearlescent and swirly and shimmery and awesome!



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